No promisses

No promisses I never promised you anything For you, for us And yet I keep showing up You never promised me anything And yet we keep meeting Never has there been anything as unpromising, As unbound and free As you We never promised each other anything And I am not going there anytime soon No…

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Drawn to the light

Drawn to the light Gingerly dancing around the flame I am drawn in Afraid to perish if I get too close Afraid I will burn Dissolving in the unknown Exposing my shadow for you to see What is it like to shine? Stepping away My shadow grows again Only to disappear in the light of…

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Calling in meaning

Calling in meaning When you look at what I write You might be taken in by the beauty and clarity by the lightness and ease I express my thoughts and feelings with When you get to know me seen me You might think that I am not what I say I am You might think…

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I know that you know

I know that you know I know that you know  I know that you can feel Feel the care I have for you  I know that you feel how much I adore you  that you can sense my desire for you How much I want you  How much I want to  Hold you  Caress you …

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no ordinary moment

Photo by Gaston Roulstone on Unsplash no ordinary moment decent coffee nothing special about the pastries everything about you, is moving away from the ordinary hand on your belly calling in a dream while chasing away sleeplessness a clear direction leading and guiding you a vision shared tiny white feather caught in your coat a…

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