Photo by Daniel Apodaca on Unsplash 2025 may we communicate openly with mindfulness and sensitivity when meeting each other heart-to-heart may we brave discomfort and honesty when tending to our wounding holding space for ourselves with compassion may we welcome and invite love as it is given and may we be open and feel when…
Read morewhat if
Photo by Shivansh Sharma on Unsplash what if what if I am failing forward every single day and I get to keep all that is good inside of me what if my unfiltered expression does not need to be censored what if my phrasing does not demand editing my language does not want correction what…
Read moreshadow people
Photo by Peter Forster on Unsplash shadow people feed the intensity of my feelings when my anxieties are impossible to bear and hold looking into your mirror their lasting impact sneaks up on me clouding my responses misguiding me unable to make out their faces not sensing their presence the scars remain invisible never will…
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Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash no do-over there is no do-over no re-run of the past no re-try no re-tracing of missed steps what escaped my mouth I can’t unsay what hit the paper I can’t erase I neglected to take care my intensity not for you to hold my wounds not for you to…
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Photo by mwangi gatheca on Unsplash agony in agony I am desperately seeking refuge from the density of my past aiming to retreat into the formlessness of my soul to recover from what stirs from without and from within and to expand into the softness of my being wishing to be stilled when holding myself…
Read moreWhy should I see a therapist?
Photo by Yulia Matvienko on Unsplash Why should I see a therapist? I have never been in therapy, except for attending couples therapy some years ago, which, to be honest, didn’t help much—if at all—beyond confirming the inescapable truth that we were not compatible. However, through that process, I might have shed some of the…
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