
Photo by Justinas Teselis on Unsplash melting there are my tears that you won’t see there are the sobs  you would not hear and no patience to read my words there are the moments  we don’t get to share and a spaciousness you can’t fill there is the pain I often hide yearning for more…

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Photo by Mitch de Klein on Unsplash pleasure is water showering my head and blissful sensations trickling down  tickling me a soft breeze stroking the sun kissing my face it is sweat rewarding my effort and strong winds filling my sails the cold shaking and warmth embracing me it is me rising up effortlessly against…

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coming out

Photo by Didssph on Unsplash coming out I hear your call but might not heed it coming out of my shell is sometimes too much to ask I like the freedom to retreat into its sanctuary into rest pause and stillness laziness of thought and action into the shelter of quietness when I join you…

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the shape of music

Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash the shape of music never still continuously flowing from one interval to the next expanding in colour intensity and quiet pause excitement and curiosity builds in the presence and absence of sound leading to liberation from thought enticing spontaneity in action following, breaking and playing with its rhythmical guidance…

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pain stop advocating pain is good for me good to ignore  and fine to override stop telling me  there is no gain without you can’t convince me of accepting your brutality as a gift  it is unwanted stop telling me  to distrust my own responses by trusting you you don’t resonate your size doesn’t fit …

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