Photo by Tanjir Ahmed Chowdhury on Unsplash
what to do
when everything changes
all of a sudden
and your love slips away
what to do
when your heart is at ease
but your soul struggles to find rest
when you wish to transition out
as slowly as you went in
when your parting communication is disembodied
seasoned and peppered with misunderstandings
when you ask questions
to be heard
to release your bond
and answers are avoided
when disillusion is revisiting your memories
and their meaning is beginning to change
when your perceptions
and interpretations are not telling the whole story
but you only got snippets of their side
what to do
when honouring each other
and a smooth and graceful disengagement
seems out of reach
what to do
when your wounding re- surfaces
again and again
forcing you into withdrawal
what to do
when you are left with a bad aftertaste
about how it ended
when you can not reach for better thoughts on your own
what do you do?