
Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash Scared keeping our love out of the dark scared to deal with discomfort avoiding asking questions and filling the blanks with assumptions the hidden slowly consumed us until the dark could no longer hide dimming our hearts pushing each other away I was afraid of your shadow and now…

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all it took

Photo by Ricardo Gomez Angel on Unsplash all it took all it took  was a glance in your direction a moment in your company and a look into your eyes sensing the presence of your soul all it took was a gentle caress a tender joining of lips and a sensuous embrace to be drawn…

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Photo by kim ick on Unsplash passing passing through hurt and pain   previously clouded  and hidden by desire the haze is lifting reflecting on what the mirror is seeing I am softening and surrendering  finding power in stillness  and connection allowing my unbroken heart  to expand into fearlessness where it only knows of love

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Photo by Linus Nylund on Unsplash drifting out at sea or out to see ? listening to tears  and whispers of my soul I understood the day I lost myself was the day I lost you looking for myself I will never need to chase anyone again

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blame the mirror

Photo by Yann Allegre on Unsplash blame the mirror not one to run for the hills when the going gets tough I still blame the mirror for what I don’t like to see when desires cloud my senses and wishful thinking my mind my heart will look in the wrong place for its boundless love…

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when sorry is not good enough

Photo by Jordon Conner on Unsplash when sorry is not good enough fear gripping me and being dead to my feelings I derive meaning from the state I am in  seeking to escape the consequences of not fully exposing myself to what hides beneath and attempting to run away from myself  to leave the overwhelm …

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Photos used by Mockup Graphics and Michael Walter on Unsplash  unmeasured my heart hasn’t learned to measure its love for you ferocious in its intensity alive, gentle and tender but not yet fearless in its expression loud when transforming sounds onto paper  a mere whisper when reaching you seeking to caress and kiss you with…

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wide open

Photo by Connor DeMott on Unsplash wide open you receiving me I had been utterly vulnerable unashamed of my tears not hiding my flawed self and stripped away of false confidence in your presence I was naked with my assumptions questioned my projections rejected I bared myself in front of you my shadows exposed my…

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