Photo by Evgeniya Litovchenko on Unsplash
find me
find me meeting you
no need to welcome me
find me asking
no need for you to answer
find me giving
no need to return the favour
find me laughing
no need to understand the joke
find me singing
no need to join the choir
find me dancing
no need to follow my lead
find me falling
no need to help me up
find me making mistakes
no need to point the finger
find me triggered
no need to soothe my wounds
find me writing poetry
no need to read any
find me serenading under your balcony
no need to open your window
find me falling for you
no need to reach into your heart
find me asleep
no need to fill me with wakefulness
find me crying
no need to dry my tears
find me feeling pain
no need to comfort me
find my soul starving
no need to feed me
find me meeting you
just find me
but find me