
Photo by Kevin Pastor on Unsplash longing longing for the day when my writing is at an end and paper, not the only one listening when the sad songs I write change tune when we stop hiding discomfort from each other coming closer with each passionate exchange when we are nourished by the space we…

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Photo by Linus Sandvide on Unsplash out-comes it is the out-comes I am after not betterment pushing me nor validation I seek for cleverness of thought judging others does not motivate me nor does the volume of my voice  make for a convincing argument it is the impact  of being moved and touched,  heard,  felt…

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Photo by Pedro Mealha on Unsplash sadness  my old friend sadness is visiting again time to welcome taking notice time to quit ignoring her reading my tears  her invitation is to no longer be misled by the thrill of the chase when pursuing elusive connections I am sad having  to let go of people who…

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no suffering

Photo by Hailey Kean on Unsplash no suffering don’t even try taking my pain away don’t even think  about fixing me I am not broken feeling  intensely is not suffering pain is my friend the one I can trust and count on without it  I hurt myself in the fire of attraction, passion and longing…

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