Photo by Ferdinand Studio
stop advocating
pain is good for me
good to ignore
and fine to override
stop telling me
there is no gain without
you can’t convince me
of accepting your brutality
as a gift
it is unwanted
stop telling me
to distrust my own responses
by trusting you
you don’t resonate
your size doesn’t fit
stop saying
it is okay not to listen
to how I feel
don’t lecture me
when you don’t even have a degree
in being me
who gives you the authority
for dismissing my stop signs
why replace intelligence and care
with force?
why should I have to suffer your eagerness to fix me?
and who says I am broken?
my body doesn’t speak
to your disinterest
your lack of patience
leaves me behind
going through the motions
replaced your sensitivity
instead of easing me into change
you are sacrificing me
on the altar of your ego