Photo by Mitch de Klein on Unsplash
pleasure is
water showering my head
and blissful sensations
trickling down
tickling me
a soft breeze stroking
the sun kissing my face
it is sweat rewarding my effort
and strong winds filling my sails
the cold shaking
and warmth embracing me
it is me rising up effortlessly against gravity
feeling the ground with both feet
it is trees seeking my company
sheltering in their shade
it is music playing with my body
moving and swaying in tune with itself
it is deep sleep and rest taking me
brushing off dreaminess in the morning
it is deliciousness
melting in my mouth
and sharing a conversation with a friend
pleasure is my lovers hand
resting on my thigh
her gentle caress
and passionate responses
it is her lips push against mine
and the red taste of wine
and chocolate on her sweet tongue
it is me looking into her eyes
it is her wriggling free from under my weight
and me holding the tension of my desire lightly
enjoying its spark and flavour
pleasure is giving attention
to what is good for me
to the aliveness rippling through my body
breathing awareness into my being
pleasure is free of judgement
awakening all my senses
dissolving in joy
it is allowing
and giving myself over to the moment
to the here and now
not seeking anything
inviting no agenda
but listening curiously
responding with either a yes or a no
depending on what resonates
ease, stillness and freedom from expectation
are its friends
authenticity its expression
it has me waking up for more
pleasure is letting my pen speak
loving every word taking shape
it is my heart guiding my thoughts
and memories bringing a smile to my face