Photo by Shivansh Sharma on Unsplash
what if
what if I am failing forward every single day
and I get to keep all that is good inside of me
what if my unfiltered expression
does not need to be censored
what if my phrasing does not demand editing
my language does not want correction
what if my intensity and passion
inspire reflection and change
and do not require to be dialled down
what if my sensitivity does not ask for therapy
what if I stop relying on others to ease my distress
what if I am learning to go deep inside
and hold myself in stillness
what if I can feel how my addictions have been aiming
to shield me from hurt and pain
what if my desires come without expectation
and won’t need to be answered
what if my heart is graced with love
accepting and resonating with all that is
what if I am failing forward every single day
and I get to keep all that is good inside of me